NGOs, National Human Rights Institutions: Crucial intermediaries in the execution of ECtHR judgments?
‘The lack of implementation of the D.H. judgment deeply concerns the three submitting organizations…’. This sentence is taken from a Rule 9 Communication submitted by three NGOs to the Committee of Ministers, the body that supervises the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (hereafter: ECtHR or Court). It is illustrative of…
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Wanneer deugt de bestuursrechtspraak?
Laten we het in dit blog eens over deugden hebben. De afgelopen jaren is er, ook vanuit het Montaigne Centrum, veel geschreven over procedurele rechtvaardigheid. Ik zeg proefschrift van Liesbeth Hulst (Experimental Legal Studies on Perceived Procedural Justice and Trust in Law and Society, 2017), ik zeg proefschrift van Hilke Grootelaar (Interacting with Procedural Justice…
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An Ethics of Just Judgment for Transnational Challenges
You are sitting at your desk – as an academic, lawyer, policy maker or judge. You are pondering a legal issue and need to figure out what the law on this matter means for the question at hand. It can be as simple as having to decide whether a tricycle falls under the local prohibition…
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Being Realistic About Law
Legal philosophers are often criticised for being out of touch with legal practice. At best, their theories provide a highly abstract but dated understanding of what law is. In a recent prize-winning book entitled A Realistic Theory of Law legal philosopher Brian Tamanaha argues that this often heard critique is true. Many legal philosophers fail to adequately…
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Truth Commissions and Social Justice: Modesty is in Order
From Peru to Canada to East Timor, following periods of serious conflict or gross human rights violations, societies often look to address the past in order to bring about greater accountability (trials), reparation (victim compensation), and truth (truth commissions). To date, more than 40 truth commissions have been established around the world, with the South…
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Transformative Reparations for Victims under International Law: Changing the Game or More of the Same?
Reparations are an old concept in both domestic and international law. Victims have long been repaired in some way for the harms they suffered themselves, to their families or property. Following World War II, victims received some type of reparation, usually paid by the State, for their profound losses, and just last year the Dutch…
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Montaigne congresmiddag over registratie onderhandse pand- en cessieakten: toe aan vernieuwing?!
Paulien van Dijk & Anna Berlee Het registreren van onderhandse akten…
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Milieudefensie summons Shell: Similar obligations for States and companies when it comes to CO2 reduction?
Claire Loven In October 2019, The Hague Court of Appeal rendered an important judgment in the Urgenda case. Urgenda is a Dutch foundation fighting for a sustainable society, which started a legal case to force the Dutch government to adopt more stringent climate policies. In that case, The Hague Court of Appeal found a violation…
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De Wet Bibob en de aanpak van criminele motorbendes
Benny van der Vorm Het is al vaker gesignaleerd: de Nederlandse rechtstaat wordt bedreigd door ondermijnende criminaliteit. Over de vraag wat nu precies wordt verstaan onder deze vorm van misdaad bestaat onduidelijkheid, maar we zijn het erover eens dat hard moet worden opgetreden tegen ondermijning. Als we op de website van het Regionaal Informatie en…
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Collection of bodies in Mosul: An act of revenge, humanity – or both?
Katharine Fortin Last week, I listened to a podcast in NPR’s Rough Translation series that wason collecting the dead in Mosul, Iraq in 2018. The podcast is about Sroor Al-Hosayni, a 23 year old Iraqi woman who heads a team of volunteers who remove dead bodies from the rubble of Mosul, eight months after the…
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