Rolf Ortlep

The Urgenda judgement: legislature and government under intensive judicial supervision
Writing something about the Urgenda judgement (Rechtbank Den Haag 24 June 2015, ECLI:NL:RBDHA:2015:7145) might seem abundant at this point. After all, a lot of literature about the judgement has already been published. Is the judgement really so special? That can, with good reason, not be denied. The Urgenda Foundation is the organisation for sustainability and…
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The Unity of Law 3: A step towards a definition and instruments that can optimize the unity of law
Introduction In my previous blog I gave a modest impetus to define the concept of ‘the unity of law’ and I have discussed a number of instruments which in any case (also) aim to optimize the unity of law. The following four instruments are distinguished: institutional reform, preliminary ruling procedure, coordination and a differentiated discursive…
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The Unity of Law 2: A step towards a definition and instruments that can optimize the unity of law
In his ‘The Unity of Law 1: Blogging about the unity of law?’, Eddy Bauw gave an inspiring kick-off on the subject of the unity of law. It is the intention to – with this blog as a starting point – start a series about that topic. With this blog and the next blog, this…
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